
Showing posts from April, 2018

3D Animation Using 3DS Max

In this we were tasked to create a 3D animation. Again, I used 3DS Max as I believe it is the most efficient one for me to animate in. To start of the animation I used the sword I had previously modelled and then modelled a sheath to go with it.  Once I had created the sheath I placed them where I wanted them and selected auto key at the bottom of the screen. This meant every time I transformed my model a key animation point would be made. For some of the keys that were automatically placed I had to set a key as they were not transitioning from one animation point to the other properly as the rotation overruled the movement. Here are the two animations I created: If I was to do this again I would create a more complex animation to make it look more realistic and add more elements to create a background. I believe this would allow me to make better progress with my animation skills.

3D Modelling Using 3DS Max

In this task we were required to make a 3D model using a 3D modelling software. I used 3DS Max to create my model as it is is the software that I had used the most. I chose to create a 3D model of a sword. To start this I created a simple box that was quite tall and thin. I then added segments to the box so I could transform it in different ways. I moved 2 of the segments across the middle of the box up to the top, and one to the bottom,so I could start changing the way the box looked. However before I could do anything I changed the box to an editable poly. To start I selected the vertices tool and turned on Targeted Weld. I used this on the top section of my box to create a diamond shape on top as well as on a segment on the bottom of the box to create the blade-like shape. I then went on to select the faces tool and selected the front two faces and moved it inwards so that my sword would be really thin, just like an actual sword. I then used the edges tool and highlighted the four...

Making a Teaser Trailer Using After Effect

In this task we had to create a teaser trailer for the interactive stories being created for the A.L.L projects. However as I am not doing the A.L.L, I used the photo manipulation image I created as a base for the trailer. For the trailer I took the image I created in Photoshop and exported all the elements within that photo as PNGs. This allowed me to then use After Effect and import all the individual elements into it. I used the knowledge I had to create a parallax image for the trailer however I used transitions between the trailer and the title as well as adding royalty free music to the trailer to give it more dimension and to give the user more emotion to it. Here is my teaser trailer for 'Return of The Clangers': I sourced a free font website to get the font for the title. I screenshotted the previewed script and then proceeded to add that to photoshop to then change the lettering to red. If I was to do this again I would use actual video footage instead of a...

2.5D Parallax Effect Video Using Photoshop

For this task we were asked to create a parallax photo. This is a photograph that creates the illusion of it being a video. To do this I used photoshop and used the timeline feature to create different transistions and movements in my parallax photo. Here is the finished parallax image: To create this image, I used an older photograph of me at a festival and opened it in photoshop. I then used the quick selection tool to go around both me and the stormtrooper to then copy it. I then changed the quick selection to a transform path so I could feather the edges by 0.5 pixels. I then extended the edge of my selection by 10 pixels. This was so the background would blend more efficiently when it came to removing the area selected by using the content aware fill tool.  Once I had the background only, I then created a new layer and pasted the previous copied selection onto it. This brought the image back to its original state. Once I had done this I opened up the timeline in pho...

2D Photo Manipulation Using Photoshop

For this task we were assigned to take five pictures that follow a certain brief. The breif I chose to do was last person on earth. The photos I took were around the university and therefore inc luded a lot of people. These are some of the photos that I too k to man ipulat e : I ch ose the top photo to manipulate in photoshop as I believed it had the best composition and could tell a better narrative compared to the other photos I took. The first thing I did to the picture was attemp t to make the people vanish us ing the content awa re fi ll tool. This tool was the main tool use d throughout this process as it allowed me to remove the majority of the people. Other tools I used along with the content aw are tool were the clone stamp tool and the quick select tool. The quick select tool allowed me to select the people, eit her individually or if they were close eno ugh, toget her. Once they were selected I then moved onto the content aware fill which automatically fi...