2D Photo Manipulation Using Photoshop

For this task we were assigned to take five pictures that follow a certain brief. The breif I chose to do was last person on earth. The photos I took were around the university and therefore included a lot of people.

These are some of the photos that I took to manipulate:

I chose the top photo to manipulate in photoshop as I believed it had the best composition and could tell a better narrative compared to the other photos I took.

The first thing I did to the picture was attempt to make the people vanish using the content aware fill tool. This tool was the main tool used throughout this process as it allowed me to remove the majority of the people. Other tools I used along with the content aware tool were the clone stamp tool and the quick select tool. The quick select tool allowed me to select the people, either individually or if they were close enough, together. Once they were selected I then moved onto the content aware fill which automatically filled in the areas I selected with what photoshop believed to be correct. This usually left an outline ofthe people so I went over with the clone stamp tool to mimic the background as much as I possibly could.

Here is the image after that process:

To differentiate the background from the foreground (my hand), I used the quick select tool to select my hand then went and inverted the selection so it selected everything apart from my hand. This allowed me to then use the blur filter to slightly blur out the background; this gave more distinction and more depth to my picture.

Once I had completed this I got a reference image of a clanger off of google images so that I could maniuplate that into my picture. I first used the quick select tool to select the clanger and then inverted the selection so I could remove the background. I then copied and pasted the clanger into my own picture and scaled it to make it look as if it was in the background.

I then started to play around with the blur effects until I found one that created the right effect for what I wanted. The blur effect I went for was very dramatic and quite bold. I then changed the colour of the clanger to a darker colour so it was as if it was in a shadow. For this to be accurate I added a lighting effect in the back that was very bright to make the image more believable and truthful in it's narrative.

Here is the final photoshopped image:


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