3D Animation Using 3DS Max

In this we were tasked to create a 3D animation. Again, I used 3DS Max as I believe it is the most efficient one for me to animate in. To start of the animation I used the sword I had previously modelled and then modelled a sheath to go with it. 

Once I had created the sheath I placed them where I wanted them and selected auto key at the bottom of the screen. This meant every time I transformed my model a key animation point would be made. For some of the keys that were automatically placed I had to set a key as they were not transitioning from one animation point to the other properly as the rotation overruled the movement.

Here are the two animations I created:

If I was to do this again I would create a more complex animation to make it look more realistic and add more elements to create a background. I believe this would allow me to make better progress with my animation skills.


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