3D Modelling Using 3DS Max

In this task we were required to make a 3D model using a 3D modelling software. I used 3DS Max to create my model as it is is the software that I had used the most. I chose to create a 3D model of a sword. To start this I created a simple box that was quite tall and thin. I then added segments to the box so I could transform it in different ways. I moved 2 of the segments across the middle of the box up to the top, and one to the bottom,so I could start changing the way the box looked. However before I could do anything I changed the box to an editable poly.

To start I selected the vertices tool and turned on Targeted Weld. I used this on the top section of my box to create a diamond shape on top as well as on a segment on the bottom of the box to create the blade-like shape. I then went on to select the faces tool and selected the front two faces and moved it inwards so that my sword would be really thin, just like an actual sword. I then used the edges tool and highlighted the four horizontal edges and pressed connect which gave me two more sections in which I could start creating a groove. I selected the two faces, using the faces tool, within the section and pressed bevel and set the start point to 0.0. I then proceeded to bevel inwards slightly to create a groove within the sword. I then repeated this step onto the other side.

I then went on to make the handle; to do this I used bevel again, however I used it on the two side sections at the bottom of the sword and bevelled them outwards so it created a block. I then repeated this step, however rotated this bevel slightly to create an angled handle. I then repeated this step onto the otherside.

To create the actual handle I bevelled again at the bottom of the sword and angled it slightly, at all four points, so that the handle would be thinner than the sword. I then bevelled again to create the actual handle.

Here is the finished 3D model:

If I was to do this again, I would add more detail onto the sword to make it more realistic as well as make the sword longer (or the handle shorter and thinner) so the proportions were more correct.
